Copy & Paste fields

Tired of having to manually adjust multiple fields to the same size?

You can now copy fields and paste them on command. This is a handy feature to saves you from manually creating fields again and streamlines your setup process.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you use it effectively:

Step 1: Select the Field(s)

Locate the field you want to copy on your document. Click on it to highlight or select it. If there are multiple fields, please click, drag and highlight the fields required

Step 2: Copy the Field

Once the field(s) have been selected choose Copy (Menu on the right), or use the shortcut Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac).

Step 3: Paste the Field

Navigate to where you’d like to place the copied field - Use the shortcut Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac). 

Step 4: Adjust as Needed

Once pasted, you can drag the field to reposition it or edit its properties to fit the document's requirements.

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