Document Verification

Documents signed through QuicklySign are appended with an 'Audit Trail' that details all the activities relating to the document, from when the document was uploaded and signed to who the sender and signers are.

In addition to the audit trail, the document is cryptographically signed with an Adobe trusted certificate as well as a QuicklySign verification link which can be used to verify the integrity of the document. The link lets the user know whether the document has been modified since its completion.

Please note:

  • Signature certificates are only visible on documents signed from 1 January 2022
  • Signature certificates do not apply to documents signed through atWORK and Nvest

Verifying a QuicklySign document

  1. Open the signed document in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. At the very top of the document, you should see a 'Signature Panel' alerting you to the fact that the document is 'signed and all signatures are valid' (note the exclusion above).
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the document to find the 'Online verification' link and click on it - a browser page should open asking you to upload the document (you can also copy & paste it into your browser).
  4. Once your browser page has loaded, click on 'Upload Document' and browse to the document you want to verify, then click 'Open' to upload it (this must be the same document you clicked the online verification link on).
  5. If the document is authentic, 'Verified' should appear, confirming that the 'document is the original'.

Verification Fail

If the document you've uploaded:

  1. Has been altered in any way after completion or
  2. Isn't the document you got the online verification link from

You should see the following:

  1. There won't be a 'Signature Panel' at the very top of the document (note the exclusion above)
  2. When you upload the document for verification, 'Verification failed' will appear, alerting you to the fact that the document 'doesn't match the original'.

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