How do I know who still needs to sign the document?

Depending on the document signing order you've chosen, identifying who still needs to sign the document will look different.

Sequential Signing

Choosing for signers to sign sequentially means they will receive the signature request email to sign the document one after the other.

  • Those that have already received the signature request and signed the document, will have 'Complete' next to their name.
  • The person with whom the document is currently sitting, will have 'Awaiting Signature' next to their name.
  • Those that are yet to receive a signature request for the document, will have 'Queued' next to their name.

Concurrent Signing

Choosing for signers to sign concurrently means they will receive the signature request email to sign the document at the same time. 

  • Everyone will have 'Awaiting Signature' next to their name since they will have all received a signature request and their statuses will change to 'Complete' as they sign the document.

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